For those of you dealing with obesity and type-2 diabetes, the truth is that you are at fault, but not entirely.  The part that wasn’t your fault is because we were mistaught about nutrition starting from our parents and grandparents. We forgot what were as a human species and habits were passed on from one generation to another, as far as the proper human diet.   The proper human diet should be common sense.  It is not made in a factory or food processing plant.  A proper diet is low in carbohydrates.

Even if you choose to be vegetarian, it would be healthy for you to add eggs, shellfish, dairy, fish, or other animal proteins depending upon your ethical values.  Since Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal products and is important for blood flow and brain function, it would be beneficial not to rely on supplements.  Zinc is another mineral that is difficult to get if you are a vegetarian.  Zinc is found in only a limited amount of plant-based foods.  Other vitamins and minerals include iron, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, and proteins.

Currently, our standard American diet is filled with high carbohydrates and other things that cause inflammation.  Inflammation does not happen to everyone evenly.  Some foods may cause certain people inflammation while others will not or at a lower degree.  Our bodies are designed to provide feedback about the food we eat.  Unfortunately, if we are constantly feeding it foods that cause inflammation and overloaded with carbohydrates, the signals are overwhelmed, and you just feel miserable.

Not only are processed foods bad for us but think about how different food has changed over the years.  From genetically modified organisms, such as wheat, soybean, maize or corn, potatoes, or even apples to name a few.  Fruits like apples, watermelons, and bananas are very different from what they were 500 years ago.  Most fruits and vegetables are clones of what they once were.  They may be larger, sweeter, and look very different according to Here’s What Fruits And Vegetables Looked Like Before We Domesticated Them : ScienceAlert .

Even animals, such as cows, pigs, chickens, and sheep are genetically- engineered to be larger.  This is to increase profitability.  This has occurred for thousands of years through methods like crossbreeding and selecting desirable traits for breeding.  In 1922, the first version of hybrid corn was produced and sold.  By the 1940s, farmers learned to use radiation or a chemical process to change an organism’s DNA.  The FDA approved the first consumer of GMO products in 1982.  It wasn’t until 2003 that the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) developed international guidelines on the safety of GMO foods.  In 2017, GMO apples were approved for sale in the U.S.  The food market has evolved over the years so quickly that long-term effects have not been determined.  Because of all of these changes to our food, it has never been more important to really scrutinize the food that we are consuming.

Now let’s take a look at the people we go to and keep us healthy, our doctors.  Here is a “not necessarily” a fun fact.  On average, medical schools in the U.S. offer only 19.6 hours of nutritional education.  They get more education from pharmaceutical companies about how their drugs will help with various conditions or illnesses.  This is important to note because instead of the doctor suggesting that you change your diet, fitness, or lifestyle, they are more inclined to prescribe a drug to ail your illness or condition.

A proper human diet is nutrient-dense and very satiating.  It will optimize your health.  Since carbohydrates trigger endorphins “the pleasure hormone”, consuming a diet that is just for pleasure goes against the proper human diet.  Food that is in its simplest form is best for you.  We do not need food that was made in a factory.  Big food companies do not want to make satiating products.  Making foods that keep you consuming more and more allows them to reap higher profits. A proper human diet also includes a certain degree of fasting.  Eating often spikes our insulin and results in insulin resistance.

Hopefully, this knowledge will help us make better choices of the food we consume and that we will have better health.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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