Welcome to the Smarter Fitness Blog

My name is David Komin and I'm a Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, and DNA-Based Fitness Coach

Several years ago, I started studying nutrition and fitness originally for my own knowledge.  My studies led me to read several books, watch multiple YouTube videos, and then got my certification through ISSA as a personal trainer and nutritionist.  I noticed that there were a lot of inconsistencies and misleading advice.  Based on my weight loss and fitness, I found that to achieve long-lasting success, there was a smarter way to eat and exercise.


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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog
Fresh bowl of vegetables

I Didn't Start Out As A Personal Trainer And Nutritionist...

People are normally surprised to find out that I am 55 years old.  I went to the gym, mostly to run on the treadmill, play racquetball or occasionally lift some weights.  But, like most of us,  slowly my weight gained over time. Click below to find out a bout the path I took to get here. 

What I Offer for Good Health?

Several Different Approaches for a Better Life

Nutrition Coaching

With DNA Fitness Based Coach

Lose Weight

Keto and Intermittent Fasting

Cooking Resources

Delicious Recipes

Sports Nutrition

Perform at your Peak

Balance Body Mind

Relieve Stress

Latest Health & Nutrition Articles

Never Stop Improving Yourself

From a young age, your parents, your high school coach or gym teacher, academic instructors have probably told you to...
Read More about Never Stop Improving Yourself

Are There Benefits for Practicing Hot Yoga?

Hot yoga is the practice of yoga poses and movements in an environment where the specific room temperature is raised...
Read More about Are There Benefits for Practicing Hot Yoga?


When most people think about fitness, health and nutrition, stress is sometimes overlooked. Stress can affect many things towards having...
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