From a young age, your parents, your high school coach or gym teacher, academic instructors have probably told you to “never stop improving yourself”. It’s very good advice if you want to succeed in this world. So many times, we may have gotten lazy or procrastinate, told ourselves that we are too busy. This does not help. It becomes a major setback until we find that right motivation to start challenging ourselves again.

This happened to me in 2017 just after getting divorced. I stopped trying for a couple years and started tacking on those extra pounds. I made up my mind to make a change. I started traveling to places I always wanted to go. I booked cruises for the Mediterranean, Australia and Mexico (ok, I had been to Mexico before). Before each cruise, I would diet and fast, eventually dropping from my highest weight of 220 down to 167 lbs. Within six months my weight started to increase from not staying constant, eating unhealthily. I found that nutrition information available on the internet via government sites (why wouldn’t you believe the government) was not accurate. A lot of the information is based on the nutrition recommendations from FDA in the 1980s.

In the 1970s, Ansel Keys promoted his faulted and biased study that foods containing saturated fats was the major cause of heart disease and cardiovascular disease. Keyes handpicked attributes liking cholesterol from saturated fats to deaths from 22 different countries in order to publicize his opinions. It is very funny considering that smoking was considered healthy in the 1970s. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) bought it and discouraged the eating of all saturated fats. The problem with this, other than the study, was that when you take all the fat out of the food, you do two things. First, it reduces the taste and flavor of the food and second, the companies that produce the food, add sugar to increase the taste. Congratulations, the food companies started making everyone addicted to sugar. Since fat buffers the absorption of carbs (sugar), starches (sugar) and added sugar you should be able to see how this may be a problem.

Let me dispel some of the misinformation. There is no such thing as natural sugar when it comes to the metabolism of sugar, carbohydrates, and starches. The body converts them to glucose (sugar). For the body to get the glucose into the cells, it produces insulin. What do you think happens when you bombard the body constantly with glucose. It is about the same as drinking constantly. There will be a point when you body will try to keep up and you will become tolerant.

We all remember our first drink or the first time we got drunk. We remember our low tolerance to alcohol. The more we drank, the better our tolerance got. Luckily enough, I never got a DUI or woke up from a blackout. But for most, it is the point when they realize they are drinking too much. It is the point where your body tells you that it can “No Longer Keep Up!”. Your body is really screaming at you.

I apologize… I went on a rant. My whole purpose for this blog was to explain that I got my personal trainer certification, nutritionist and Glute Specialist certification. The day I paid off the certification course, I decided to add DNA-based Fitness Coach. The day I paid off that course, I “bit off way more than I could chew”. I enrolled in the Yoga 200 course (200 hours), Pilates and the Online Fitness Coach certification course. Normally this would be fine. Except, I also started flying helicopters for a FAA Part 135 company (Part 135 is the ability to fly charter operations, picking up and dropping off). The company that I am working for is using a online site called CTS (Computer Training Systems) for the Part 135. It was a week’s worth of work just for the CTS.

So, while I can encourage you to “Never Stop Improving Yourself), you might want to keep it within reason. The good news is I passed the CTS training. I am a certified Yoga 200 and a Pilates Instructor and now start working on creating online fitness programs. Please share my blog and keep coming back so you can get your Yoga, Pilates and Fitness Instruction.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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