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“When plants attack”, sounds like a movie from the 80s, like the “Little Shop of Horror”. I just finished watching a YouTube video by the Steak and Butter Gal and her guest host, Dr. Anthony Chaffee (These “safe” zero-carb foods WRECK your metabolism & SHORTEN lifespan! 10+ YR Carnivore Dr. Chaffee (youtube.com)). Now, Dr. Chaffee brought up a very interesting comment that I have mention before in my other posts, “that plants don’t like to be eaten.” I recommend that video so that you can learn more, plus it’s nice to do a shout out from them so they get views. I wrote this blog as a continuation of my “Why the Vegan Diet Is Not a Diet for Humans | Smarter Fitness Blog”.

Plants, like most life on Earth, have defense mechanisms, as humans we can run away or fight dangers that we encounter. Since plants can run away, they use chemical warfare to fight off insects or animals attempting to do harm to them. On the outside, some may look dangerous, like cactus, prickly pear, rose, nettle, briar, blackberry, and lemon trees that have the thorns to protect themselves from predators. But what you may not know is a lot of the other plants have carcinogens and other toxins to defend themselves.

So, let’s take an in depth look at what most people on the standard American diet believe is good for them.

Acetaldehyde, which is an organic chemical compound which is produced by the partial oxidation of ethanol by the liver enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), it is a Group 1 carcinogen. It can be found in vinegar, sour cream, pickled vegetables, soy products, white peach, nectarines, alcoholic beverages, and tea.

There are warnings to not eat mushrooms raw because they release Agaritine which is a mild carcinogen. Urethane occurs naturally in food by fermentation. Urethane, which is also listed as a carcinogen and possibly leading to lung, liver, blood, and other cancers. It has been used in making amino resins, pesticides, fumigants, and pharmaceuticals. Urethane has been found in bread, beer and yogurt.

Aflatoxins, which are a class of fungal toxins. They are various poisonous carcinogens produced by certain molds. Although they occur naturally, they can be found in sweetcorn wheat, millet, rice, nuts, seeds, milk, and chili peppers.

Now, I’m not going to lie but for me, this is a strong persuasion to switch to a carnivore diet, which I have, mostly. I still eat onions but will probably stop eating them. I just want to know the truth. The internet, nowadays, is filled with so much information. Is this information true? Is it propaganda for the food producers? Is it information to keep us sick to benefit the pharmaceutical markets? They are just some of the questions I am seeking answers to. As I also mentioned in a previous post, we can’t rely on the food market to tell us what to eat. I can tell you what works for me, but honestly, it may or may not work for you. The only thing we have going for us to keep learning and increasing our knowledge on the truth about nutrition.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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