There are a lot of advocates for the plant-based diet mythology that believe that plant protein is the same as the protein from animals. This is not true. There are not only differences in the amino acids, but how these proteins are absorbed and utilized. Most people are protein deficient, and they just don’t know it. When they start a carnivore diet, they get all the protein that their body needs to strengthen, repair, and build muscles, cells, and organs. A carnivore diet can help supply people with the necessary vitamins and minerals. Meats have more vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids than any of the plant-based foods.

There have been miraculous stories from people’s experiences of healing when adopting a carnivore diet. The benefits of the carnivore diet are that you are satiated, and you have more control over your appetite. This is because the most satiating macronutrients are protein and fats. For the people who are used to continually snacking throughout the day, a carnivore diet will help you stop this need or feeling of being hungry. You might only eat once a day because of the feeling of being full.

Since a carnivore diet does not include sugars and starches, you will not have the huge spikes of insulin. This lowers the need to keep checking your blood glucose levels for those struggling with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Foods rich in carbohydrates and highly processed foods will constantly make you want to eat more because of the lack of real nutrients and spike insulin. For those people not yet diagnosed, the constant insulin spikes due to overeating can lead to pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. There are multiple studies that show that having high levels of insulin will lead to insulin resistance.

Does the carnivore diet cause inflammation? The answer is no. It has been shown that people suffering with chronic skin, gut, or joint inflammation, being on a carnivore diet has lowered the inflammation levels. An associated benefit is that the mental health issues that are caused by inflammation are also reduced.

Cravings for sugary foods and carbohydrates are also reduced by the carnivore diet. If you think back, it is not too often that you will have a craving for meat. The food production companies know that the sugars and processed foods are addictive, especially for those who emotionally eat. For many people who start a carnivore diet, they might have craving for carbohydrates, and this is because your body hasn’t adapted to the change from the bad habits. These cravings will subside, and you will only want real food when you are hungry.

One of the main reasons that people switch to a carnivore diet is the benefit of weight loss. The old myth about eating fat will make you fat is just untrue. When you eat carbohydrates, the sugars and starches, they are converted to glucose (sugar). So, technically you are training your body to not burn the stored fat for energy. Another added benefit is the ability to adjust testosterone and other hormone levels.

What not to eat while on the carnivore diet. This is relatively simple, but it still needs to be discussed. Since the carnivore diet is just meat and animal products, you need to stay away from plants, sugars, and starches. Try to stick with all natural products and nothing artificial, which includes sauces and seasonings. Would honey be considered an animal product? The answer is no but since it is made from bees and nectar, it also contains fructose (sugar).

Most people get on the carnivore diet for weight loss, to address medical issues like type 2 diabetes or even optimize their health. The standard American diet is full of carbohydrates, sugars, starches, and artificial ingredients. The result of the American diet is primarily to eat in a disorderly fashion because of hunger. When you eat fatty meat when you are hungry, you won’t need to worry about intermittent fasting or portion control because your body will tell you when you are satiated. Let your body be the judge of what you need. By not eating the carbohydrates, your body will not be telling you that you are hungry when you’re really not. Don’t worry about tracking the calories.

You might think that because you are eating a lot of fatty meats it is really necessary to workout all the time, but this is not true. Meat is the optimal food containing the necessary amino acids and your body will use that fuel to optimize your workouts. You might also think that you are limited to just the red meats, but any meat is fine including fish, chicken, seafood, pork, and eggs. Keep it simple and don’t forget to drink water.

Another worry is about the increase in cholesterol from meat. This is also not true. Your body makes cholesterol, so it will adapt and not need to make as much.

It should be noted that before you decide to make changes to any diet, please consult your doctor.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

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