Wouldn't be great to eat whatever you wanted and just take a pill to lose weight.  The ads are so convincing.  Take this gummy or take this pill just once a day and all your weight will simply dissolve away.  It sounds so believable.  The spokesman or woman looks so thin.  Since you are unhappy with your body or weight, you convince yourself it would work.  Only $30 or $100 is well worth it to have this unbelievable body.  You would spend almost any amount of money to look and feel that good.  Unfortunately, things have not changed after wasting so much money on pills and gimmicks.  The weight did not come off.  You might have an initial weight loss but all of a sudden your weight rebounds again.  The emotional factor kicks in.  What happened?  Why am I not getting the results that I saw in the ads?  Why is my body, not losing weight?  Maybe you didn\'t come to the same conclusion I did.

Regardless of what you have seen on television or online, the truth of the matter is there are no shortcuts.  Imagine if you will, a big lake that lies in the middle of mountainous terrain.  The factories built around the lake are letting their toxins and contamination run into the lake on a daily basis.  In order to fix the lake and save all the fish from the poisons, is there one treatment or pill you can put into this lake?  If you think of this problem logically.  The answer is simple. NO.

The reason is... the treatment or pill might be a temporary fix.  Until you stop the poisons or toxins from getting into the lake, the facts are you have a recurring problem.  Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts in life or building a lifetime of fitness, regardless of what anyone tells you.  There are no miracle cures.  There are no special exercise plans.  The Paul McCartney quote, \"Think globally, act locally.  Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that count.\"  Any diet or fitness plan has to be a part of your lifestyle.  Diets do not work because the underlying message is that they are only temporary.  If I cut out sweets for a month, I\'ll lose the weight.  Great, you lost the weight only to fall back on your old eating habits.  Within a certain amount of time, you rebound the weight gain.  I am going to leave you with an interesting point.  Your body is very complex.  It adapts to many things like alcohol, spicy foods, and different tolerances.  What makes you think that if you restrict calories your body won\'t slow down your metabolism or start storing fat to compensate.  Until you start to understand the nuances of your body, and how your body will adapt and overcome, any diet or fitness plan is doomed to fail because you are \"swimming upstream\".  The term \"swimming upstream\" commonly refers to someone taking a difficult course of action when a safer or simpler alternative would do.  So why do we make unwise decisions against sound advice?  This is what had bothered me for the last several years.  This is also the reason why I started the business \"Smarter Fitness\".  I want the people who are interested in making a difference to stop listening to the fitness gurus that state how easy it is, the gimmick ads stating this pill or vitamin is a quick fix, and the doctors who are telling you that if you had the will-power, you could easily lose the weight.   It\'s time to be Smarter when it comes to Nutrition and Fitness.  I am here to be your guide to Smarter Fitness.

By David Komin

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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