Let’s Do a Challenge for the Next 30 days

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As the fall season begins to bring in the cold air and our bodies tend to store fat in preparation for the long winter, it is important to continue I don’t know about you, but I have unfortunately slowed down my exercises after starting my new job in April. Finding new determination, I have decided to begin another challenge for the month of November. Once again, I decided to perform a push-up challenge. This means doing five sets of push-ups to failure throughout the day. The last time I did this, I completed only four sets a day, a total of 7817 push-ups. I hope to complete more this month, but it will be difficult. Anything worth doing with be coupled with a degree of difficulty.

I am writing this blog post, first because I haven’t written in a while and second, because I want to give even a little inspiration and motivation for my readers. For the most part, it is so much easier just to accept the weight gain, the loss of flexibility and muscle and back pain. Life doesn’t get easier the older we get in reference to our health and fitness. Our bodies have tried to adjust and achieve (homeostasis) a natural state over our entire lives. This is also why when we diet and change our eating and fitness habits for a short period, our bodies will bounce back, and we will regain the weight. Diets don’t work for this very reason.

The only true way to not only lose the weight but keep the weight off is to do a lifestyle change. Even though, I have been on the carnivore lifestyle, I believe that the need to stop eating ultra-processed food. Stick to the whole foods. If you cannot afford organic, then don’t buy organic. Switch to eating whole foods for the period of a month and see what happens. Any food with an ingredients label should be avoided. I know it will be difficult because your body is not used to it. The result may surprise you. Not only will you be more satiated, because your body is getting the nutrients it needs without the additives, preservatives and added fillers.

As of writing and posting this blog, I have completed five sets a day of push-ups to failure throughout the day. As of the 11th, I am at 2309 push-ups. But I will keep going to get through the month.

I encourage you, regardless of your fitness level, to pick an exercise and try to improve each day. No one can force us to start working on improving. Our determination needs to come from within. Do not settle. Focus on improving.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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