Fitness Challenges for August 2023

As we endure the overwhelming heat of the summer months, the urge to relax at the lake or the beach, soak in some sun or do other leisure activities leads us to reduce our physical activity.  I have even felt lazy and if it wasn\’t for walking my Siberian huskies, my exercise would be limited to occasionally climbing the steps in my three-story house.  Feeling a need for motivation, I am writing this post to encourage everyone reading it to pick from the challenges I\’ve listed below.  The challenge is to perform any one or multiple exercises daily for the thirty-one days of August.  I have a whiteboard calendar where I document my daily exercise.  This allows me to be accountable.  And since I may be a little obsessive-compulsive, I do not want to leave an empty day.  How is that for motivation?

100 Pushups Challenge – The goal is to do 100 pushups in a day.  They can but do not need to be done all at once.  They can be modified depending on your level of fitness; four sets of 25, five sets of 20 for example.  If you can handle more, you can always do more.

100 Squats Challenge – Squats are excellent for working the glutes.  If you have inactive glutes from sedentary jobs, static stretching would be a good start with Myofascial release techniques.  Myofascial release is simply stretching before the workout.  It is a common practice which engages the restrictive barrier and then the tissue is loaded with a held position until the tissue relaxes.  The use of the foam roller can help target any identified adhesions or knots in the muscles.

  • Lunging Split squat will focus on muscles including hip flexors, hamstrings, quads, and glutes.  This exercise will also increase flexibility.
  • Hip Thrust can strengthen the glutes while improving core and pelvis stabilization.  Since it is a relatively simple exercise, it is a good exercise for all ages.
  • Dumbell sumo squat will strengthen quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings providing focus on inner thighs and abductors.
  • Single leg deadlift will strengthen his glutes and improve his balance.  you can start without any weights. This will help strength your lower body

Plank Challenge – Plank exercises provide strengthing your core muscles such as obliques, rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis muscles.  Improving the strength of these muscles will improve your ability to stand upright and prevent back pain and injury.  The goal of the plank challenge is start out doing three sets of a plank exercise a day.  Now instead of setting a time, try to continue holding until you lose proper form.  Each day try to increase the time of the plank exercise.  There are many different types of plank exercises:

  • Forearm Plank
  • High Plank
  • Shoulder Tap Plank
  • Crouching Tiger Plank, to name a few.

You can change it up for each set or each day or even keep it the same.  The goal is to focus on strengthing the core.

100 Burpees Challenge – Even though the burpee is one of the more difficult exercises.  Just like the pushups, they can be done in smaller sets depending upon your fitness level.

With all of these challenges, it is important to remeber the goal is to complete the full 31 days.  Since your body will wear out over time, start slow and don\’t try to overdo it.

Walking Challenge – This may not sound like a lot but walking is a great way to relax and destress.  Pick a trail or block that are at lease 1 – 2 miles.  I walk my dogs and normally listen to music or podcasts.  The month of June I completed my 1.2 miles twice a day wearing a 60 pound weight vest.  Maybe it was motivation for turning 55 years old.  But I will tell you this, by the third week, it got a little more difficult.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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