The Plank is an exercise that is both simple and versatile.  It doesn’t require any equipment and can be done almost anywhere.  Just a few minutes a day is all you need.  What will happen to you if you plank every day? The first result you can expect is the strengthening of your core muscles, like your abdominals, obliques, and the erector muscles.  These muscles provide support to your internal organs.  Having weak core muscles can lead to the likelihood of a hernia, back problems or even lead to bad posture.  The need to train the abdominal and obliques not only makes you look good, but also for the health of your internal organs.

The plank will also strengthen and develop your back muscles without the risk of injury.  Even though exercises like squats, kettlebell swings, bent-over rows and deadlifts can be effective in strengthening your back muscles, they can result in trauma or injury if not performed correctly.  Planks can be accomplished without being traumatic.   When planking is done regularly, it will help strengthen the lower and the upper back muscles.  A good prevention of back pain is having strong back muscles.  Back pain is not always related to an underlying condition.  Strained muscles can result from standing or sitting too long.  The underdevelopment of the back musculature is one of the most common reasons for back pain.

By having a strong core with planking, it will correct your posture.  When a person has a good posture, the perception of you is that you are attractive, confident and deserve respect.  If you want to have the appearance of looking good and being fit, then posture is extremely important.    The strengthening the neck and shoulders is also important for posture and the plank will help you achieve that.

There are several studies that show that planking will boost your metabolism by sustaining higher levels of caloric burn during your rest periods throughout the day.  Now if your goal is having those six-pack abs, planking can get you there, along with the proper nutrition and diet.

Another benefit of planking is improving your coordination and balance.  When you plank, you are developing and improving your stabilizer muscles.  The stabilizer muscles have a very important function for the ability to maintain balance.  In most sports and physical activity, balance is important.

How long should you hold your plank for?  This really depends on the person doing the planking.  If you have never really been physically active or a beginner, then try to hold it for 15-30 seconds or until you lose the correct technique.  Use a watch or the timer function on your phone to determine the time.  You can use this as a baseline to evaluate your progress.  Once you perform the plank, rest for about two minutes and then perform a second set.

Remember that if you don’t follow the correct technique, you can create excessive pressure on your joints, lower back, and spine.  Proper technique is always more important than the duration of time you hold your plank.  Planking will increase your blood pressure which is why the rest period is important.   Planking to complete exhaustion is never recommended.

So, what is the proper technique to perform a plank.  The basic technique is to get into a pushup position while resting your elbows on the floor or mat in a ninety degree.  You should shift your weight to your forearms.  As the name suggests, you try to keep your body in a straight line.  Your back should never be rounded or bent too much.  You should tighten your stomach muscles, focusing on your core and all muscles tensed.  Try to keep your neck muscles relaxed.  As far as your hands and arm positions, if it feels better to keep them in a straight line with the body or at an angle, do what you feel comfortable with.  It is important to make sure that your elbows are directly under the shoulder joint, perpendicular to the ground.  This will prevent any unnecessary load on the shoulders or elbows.   Your breathing should be relaxed, slow and calm while taking deep breaths.

If you have any concerns, please remember to consult your physician before performing any exercise.

Plank daily, improving each day, and watch the results.

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David Komin, creator of the Smarter Fitness Blog

David Komin

Fitness and Nutrition Content Creator

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